

In recent years the Telecommunications world has faced a major revolution due to the introduction and development of new technologies such as IoT, Cloud Computing and 5G. Thanks to the diversified performances and the countless services that characterise today's smartphones, it is possible to have control and organise over many activities of daily life making our reality smarter and more connected.

Stetel has a 30-year successful track record in working with MNOs along these axes, contributing to projects that are essential for the implementation of their strategic plans.

Our area of expertise is in the development of customer-facing applications, guaranteeing new user experiences that are essential to bring the benefit of new technologies in the customer's hands.

Stetel customers are mainly global players, and we often deploy services centrally but delivered across a variety of geographies.

For our customers in the Telecommunications Industry we have deployed:

  • Development and Customer Registration of Digital SIM (E-SIM).
  • Device Lifecycle Service. We support business’s end-user services from setup to final installation thanks to our specialised know-how.
  • Customisation of Set ToP Box Connection and Installation.
  • Software and Architecture for Cloud Technology. We organise all services and applications for proper operation in the cloud environment.
  • Customer Device Management and Premises Equipment.
  • Smart Speaker integration for users devices and router services.


Here at Stetel, as innovation forerunners, we study and introduce IoT Technology in the industrial sector aiming for a smarter and hyper-connected logistics supply chain.

The IoT Technology accuracy and reliability, together with the development of an ever faster network such as 5G, will speed-up the revolution of the logistics system by collecting a large amount of data in real time and analysing the processes involved. With this approach, all the necessary times and quantities of goods are carefully studied and planned, errors are prevented by speeding up the steps and effectiveness and efficiency are increased.

The branch of the Internet of Things introduces dynamism and communication within any sector through the construction of sensors that detect various parameters, such as temperature, humidity level (see environment section) but also allows to exploit the Wifi networks to ensure an innovative localization system that works even indoors.

For our customers in the Logistics Industry we have deployed:

  • IoT Localisation technology.
  • Location based Wifi access point and GSM towers.
  • Real time parcel tracking.
  • Tracking application development for Android and iOS systems.
  • Back-end systems collecting, analysing, interpreting data and issuing alarms if any exceptions are detected.

Stetel has created, an online tracking platform that locates goods thanks to private and public Wifi networks. Discover more features about our service in the Research & Development section.


The extensive know-how and experience of our team in the field of electronics has allowed us to create unique pieces of handcraft and toolkit to meet the needs of our customers.

Stetel's core business in the electronics sector is mainly concentrated in the development of hardware to give third parties the possibility to develop their own applications and to manufacture dedicated devices.

In recent decades, the diffusion and introduction of development boards in industrial processes has increased the opportunities of prototyping, reproductivity and, overall, process effectiveness. Thanks to this implementation it is possible to manage and activate a multitude of applications, simplify programming leveraging open-source software.

The services offered by Stetel in the electronics field are:

  • Prototype development.
  • Hardware and Software Development (Firmware and Back-end systems).
  • Data processing.

As part of its activity Stetel has created development boards able to perform different tasks and activities; for more details visit the section Development Boards.


As the world population keeps growing and alarms about climate change are issued, there is a growing need for systems which can monitor changes in the environment and help optimise the available resources.

Governments and institutions are driving actions intended to keep our world healthier and safer, together with services that enable a more sustainable agriculture. On one hand, cities are changing to turn into Smart Cities; on the other hand, there is a need for devices which can collect and interpret all the data coming from the environment and use it to drive Smart Agriculture.

The development of environmental sensors which can monitor water and weather parameters is also a field where Stetel has found fertile ground where to express its potential in terms of implementation of end-to-end solutions.

We have worked and continue working with government institutions and regulators in the implementation, monitoring and remote management of environmental probes and systems. During the last years, our contribution included the development of specialised IoT hardware, sophisticated network connectivity, infrastructure management and data collection and processing.

For our customers in the Environment Industry, we have deployed:

  • Local systems (based on the Raspberry PI architecture), interfacing solar panels to detect water re-oxygenation levels based on mash networks.
  • Wifi connected sensors detecting weather and plant conditions.
  • Back-end systems collecting, analysing and interpreting data and issuing alarms when malfunctions are detected.
  • Back-end systems that combine data to create models which can predict conditions that are favourable for pest and disease outbreaks.


Nowadays Technology has proved highly useful in supporting the community in the creation and use of services. Thanks to the evolution of mass media and new communication channels, it is possible to reach entire communities more easily and use these tools for initiatives, surveys, data collection and dissemination of new information.

The world of communication, including voice mailboxes, chats, message boards, mobile applications and services, represent our core business not only for enterprise activities but also for non-profit organisations to support campaigns useful to the community.

Our professional team actively participated in the realisation of Vodafone's DreamLab project to support cancer research and other scientific challenges thanks to aggregating computing capacity of idle smartphones (discover more here).

Furthermore, our studies and skills on blockchain and in the field of electronics have been used in collaboration with IoTeX for the creation of a board and open-source hardware, which will be the basis for several IoTeX based device projects.

For our customers in the Communities sector we have deployed:

  • Applications and Software development.
  • Collaboration tools and infrastructures.
  • Development Boards.
  • Blockchain hardware.

Public Sector

Innovation and digitization are reforming all sectors, including the public one, where their structural integration can offer new opportunities for public administration, companies and citizens. Digital transformation permits an easier organisation of administrative processes and activities but also addresses issues that are important for the whole community, such as inclusion, sustainability, safety, and ethics in an immediate and transparent way.

At Stetel we can improve digital infrastructures thanks to our digital knowledge and experience; in particular we have already collaborated with the municipality of Livorno in framing the concept of a system for the detection of air quality parameters through the installation of fixed and mobile IoT stations. This project has a social purpose in order to raise awareness not only of the municipal body, but also of schools and people through the use of a simple kit to manage their station.

Stetel's business also extends its collaborations with government bodies to improve the digital infrastructure of public administration services thanks to the implementation of the blockchain. In this way citizens and businesses will have direct access to public services allowing them to decide when and what personal information, contracts, documents to share.

Stetel's activities for the public sector include:

  • Software and Hardware Development.
  • Blockchain Implementation.
  • Digital Applications and Services.
  • IoT Sensors for the environment and tracking systems.