Research & Development

IoT platform for automotive sector: improving safety with AI and Blockchain

At the beginning of 2023, considering the evolution of current technologies and relying on the acquired experiences on software and hardware development, Stetel activated a new program of Research & Development in order to develop and fine-tune new IoT technical solutions for improving the safety of the Automotive sector.

This idea arises to give a concrete solution to the consumer needs, in terms of private and industrial target, of improving ease, flexibility and safety regarding the controlling motor vehicles/motorcycle access. Furthermore, the last forecast shows that the Global Automotive Active Safety System Market size is projected to be USD 84,679.13 million in 2023 and is estimated to reach USD 235,880.21 million by 2032, as the answer to the increasing safety and protection necessity from inappropriate access/use and other compromise security events.

In particular, our program of evaluation, analysis and experimental verification activities aimed at the design and creation of a Hardware/Software/Firmware system to realise an IoT development platform for the locks operation and other auxiliary systems.

The project is based on UWB high-precision positioning technologies that measure the distance between the user and the vehicle and allow the vehicle to consequently behave according to user behaviour. This system is supported by Artificial Intelligence and protected through Blockchain services to ensure specific functionalities.

Since one of the functional objectives of the development is to create a modular system, the prototype has the potential to be applied to further numerous use cases. The device in fact allows electrical or mechanical actions to be performed in a controlled and safe manner, which result in changes in the state of the vehicle itself. By way of example, some of the actions that the project believes to be targeted by research and development activities are the following:

Motor vehicles

  • Opening and closing doors
  • Opening and closing the trunk
  • Turning the engine on/off
  • Turning the heating on/off
  • Data collection with vehicle off (sounds/vibrations)
  • Alarm activation/deactivation
  • Vehicle geolocation


  • Opening and closing the trunk
  • Data collection with vehicle off (sounds/vibrations)
  • Alarm activation/deactivation
  • Motorcycle geolocation

Another fundamental element in defining the project objective is the need to simplify, rationalise and give the user the responsibility to perform all those system management functions that allow the configuration of access and use of the different vehicle systems.

For this scope, our team has considered the Blockchain features as the ideal solution in order to guarantee the decentralisation of access control and use of functionality. In detail, throughout blockchain implementation, it is possible to integrate numerous elements to manage the functions authorizations and the users that have access or can utilise the vehicle. In particular we can consider:

  • Creation of a specific "Wallet" for vehicle users;
  • Vehicle identification NFT
  • Smart Contract for the management of Vehicle functions
  • Smart Contracts involving Financial Transactions
  • Smart Contract for the transfer of the vehicle

Furthermore, Artificial Intelligence functionalities can enhance the efficiency and the user experience of the end-to-end system automating the cars’ functionalities based on the owner specific way of acting and working as the heart of a "Smart" orchestrator that is capable to dynamically link the physical system to its representation on the blockchain.

Need more information about our projects? Contact us or chat with us.

Blockchain for IoT

The infrastructure and innovations that power our society have sparked a technological revolution that is essentially transforming the way society operates by focusing on new productive assets, such as Smart and Autonomous Machines.

Smart Machines are becoming part of our reality and according to McKinsey forecasts they generate more than $12 trillion by 2030.

Blockchain, AI, 5G connectivity, IoT and other frontier technologies are re-architecting our economy to provide value, control and organise everyday activities efficiently, moving to a paradigm shift from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0, where Decentralisation Network, Digital Communities and Peer-to-Peer Economy are the basis.

How can all this be achieved?

The first step is to set up smart devices that easily connect every tool of daily life with the digital world.

The efficiency and the wide spectrum of our boards combined with our knowledge in the blockchain and IoT field, give us the opportunity to be a part of this vision, starting a new project with the IoTex company.

IoTex is an innovative and decentralised ecosystem that employs Blockchain Technology to connect IoT devices, data and utility to dApps.

Our team, according to the partner requests, realised the prototype of IoTex DevBoard. This DevBoard aims to be the base for several IoTeX based device projects. The ability to power it via a simple LiPo battery in addition to the Low power modes, the LPWAN module and blockchain enabled Secure Element makes it perfect for portable or handheld devices.

If you want to collaborate with our team for the realisation of your IT project, please contact us or chat with us for a first consultation.

Development Boards

With the advent of IoT Technology and the need to create smart devices, the electronic market is widely characterised by a series of software and hardware kits that help in the prototypes design.

Here in Stetel, as pioneers of Electronics for IoT, we have created innovative and advanced Development Board models.

Our boards are a complete and easy to use toolkit for testing Espressif ESP32 SoC Microcontroller. Their architecture permits entry lever users and makers to access all the features of the microcontroller and provides expert firmware programmers a versatile platform for an immediate developing and fast prototyping.

The technical features of our products (single core LX7 running at 240 MHz along with a RISC-V ultra low power CPU. 320KB Ram, 4MB flash, 2 USB ports, Lithium battery charger... see more) make them suitable for many applications:

  • USB attached DevBoard.
  • Using the DevBoard on a breadboard.
  • Attaching sensors or peripherals.
  • Self powered with battery.
  • Complete IoT device with Enclosure.

Would you like to know more?

Visit our GitHub Channel.

Our experience and ongoing studies about IoT Technology have allowed us to develop an entirely made in Italy project to facilitate the control of parcels and documents throughout the supply chain and make shipping systems more efficient. is a goods monitoring service, unique and new in the sector. The service operation is guaranteed on any types of transport, goods storage and sorting hubs used by couriers.

Thanks to the online platform, which offers end-to-end visibility, the sender and recipient are assured of a more effective collaboration solution, which operates through every single phase of the shipment.

The service has been designed to guarantee both players a real-time update of the stages, transfer times, any re-routing situations and emergency notification / shipment blocking in a simple and immediate way.

How does it work?

  • The service provides an IoT tracker device created by our team for locating and tracking shipments, packages, pallets and everything that is of interest to you.
  • The tracker supplied is equipped with an International SIM and, using private and public Wifi networks, it is able to locate objects even indoors on the sole condition of being under GSM coverage. The lack of antennas and GPS circuits also allows optimal management of battery life.

Do you want to discover more?

Visit website, contact us or chat with us.

Osservatori Digital Innovation Sponsorship

In order to continue our Research & Development in the IoT sector, Stetel is constantly looking for events and partnerships to create a solid and efficient network. Our reality has the principal goal to actively participate in the society's digital progress with more than 30 years of experience in the creation of cutting-edge solutions.

Our activity allows us to study new technologies, create innovations and help public and private companies in integrating these innovative tools into their staff and services.

In light of this scenario, in 2023 Stetel becomes a sponsor of the Internet of Things Observatory founded by Milan Polytechnic School of Management.

This Observatory was created in order to respond to the growing companies interest in the new technologies applied to the Smart Home & Building, Industry IoT, Automotive and Mobility sectors and to investigate the opportunities linked to Smart Cities.

Their activity represents a valid reality for understanding the role of technology innovations, especially in supporting the mobility and the development of projects and applications for the Public Administrations and citizens benefit.

This sponsorship allowed us to meet other companies, share ideas and projects for the future in the IoT world, creating a unique networking opportunity.

In particular we give our contribution in many workshops and share our experience thanks also to the Observatory IoT podcast, where we explore the importance of analysing and processing data from IoT devices using Artificial Intelligence.

To know more

Inventions & Patents

Our consistent commitment and dedication to Research & Development in areas of our interest, such as IoT, Blockchain, AI, and other related technologies, have allowed us to leverage our knowledge and experience in the fieldwork, resulting in the acquisition of two patents.

In particular, the patents focus on the implementation of IoT technology for the creation of a "System for tracking the position of objects in a working environment" and the related tool to carry out this action or "An object tracking device". These inventions have allowed us to give life to our project, a sophisticated monitoring service designed for guaranteeing the continuous and real-time tracking of goods on any types of transport, storage and sorting hubs used by couriers.

We understand the considerable challenges associated with achieving this milestone, given the intense competition in the market and saturation in certain sectors. We are deeply grateful to our team for their ingenuity and relentless efforts that have led us to this accomplishment.

The process of obtaining patents has been lengthy but instrumental in safeguarding the authenticity, originality, and integrity of our ideas and projects. This journey culminated in great success, thanks to our collaboration with Erre Quadro IP management specialists.

Need guidance to bring your innovative projects to life? Contact us or chat with us.